Sigma's Final form was a pain in the ass because of the rock breaking wind attack thing. His first form wass anoying cuz I didn't know how the hell I was supposed to dodge those damn red boomerangs I got angry at Colonel because fighting him demands alot of patience.
Hmm. I had a lot of trouble with Magma Dragoon when you fight him the second time. His hadouken and shyoryuken attacks along with everything else drove nuts!!!!
This sucks .. why do we have to fight girl reploids i just felt bad fighting 'em .. and when the cutsence where iris died .. i just went insane .. like
" OMFG GENERAL IS SOOOO GONNA PAY FOR IT ! " * Zero turned super Saiyan !! *
My only weakness is whenever i first fought a maverick girl or iris and i was like .. " NOOOO i can't do it .. " and i just stood there and took damage .. LOL
And MMZ4 Custsence where Iris died i just cried out in pain ..