O.k. Here's some Cipher codes I found in the game. I can't remember what they give you as I have a short term memory...thing. Anyway, getting back on subject if you want a lot more Cipher codes and what they give you head on over to the Undersq. they have a long list of'em. ^_^
O.k. if you don't know how to use the Cipher Codes, don't worry. Cuz I'll tell you!! O.k. first press X opening your pause menu, then go to E-Mail. Once there press X to compose a message. After you do that it'll ask to choose a brother, pick yourself. Next it'll ask to pick an icon, pick the envope one( just press A) After that it'll ask if you want to send a present, pick "Don't Send" and then you start to write your header for your E-Mail. It the hedder write "Cipher" just as I have spelled it. Captial "C", lowercase "ipher" and press "O.k." In the body of your E-Mail just write the Cipher as you see it below. If a prhase of the Cipher is below another part of the Cipher it ges on the second or third line. Like this:
1st line here 2nd line here 3rd line here
Got it? If you don't just ask. anyway here's some of the Ciphers!!!! I'll put a line in between Ciphers so you won't get confused!!
NGYNGIWCUS _________________
IPHAUEOEUNQC _________________
ROHNATPE _________________
ISNBDUBO _________________
ALPTUNZLA _________________
PREOBCOPB _________________
SIXGAME-O _________________
ILABCLERSAS _________________
KNIGSPIAREM _________________
LAREBARAON _________________
OSLEGRATE _________________
AURIEFRUTS _________________
NROSIMAMSTU _________________
Just put what I wrote above in the body of the E-Mail. Just as I wrote it. Captial letters and all. Plus a bouns I'll post the Ciphers for the Sp Mega Cards of Pegasus, Leo, and Dragon!!! here thery are, write them just as I have them!
For LeoKingdom SP- Star Force, - put this in the 1st line the ultimate -put this in the 2nd power! - put this in the 3rd
For DragonSky Sp- Legendary Master Shin
For PegasusMagic SP- Go On Air to trade info with friends.
Don't forget the "!" and "." that are in the Cipher!! If you still need help just ask! There's a lot more and I might post them when I can. Anyway hope this helps out a little!!!!
Yep!! You can find more at Neoseeker.com!!! Look under the Megaman Star Force Section and try looking for the "Cheats" Section!! ...............Man...I think I just sounded like a comerical.......?????