My computer has been attacked by an evil virus (blame my sister for letting that happen) It was a threat to a computer i love so...I felt dispair as i tried to manualy remove it since softwares i tried failed. After succeding after countless tries, I realised how easy life would be if you could just send megaman in your computer to bust viruses.....Did anyone here have the kind of accident? (if you wana know the name of the virus its calledVirtumonde <<<<<PURE EVIL ) Good thing i killed it just in time....
Yeah, I hate viruses!! I had a virus in my comp. once and while I was deleting it I was like,"Heheheh!! Mega Man EXE is kicking your butt!!!" So yeah, I've been there! lol!! (I even named a virus scan program "Mega Man X!!!") But yeah, if there was really PET's and NetNavis it sure would make busting viruses a lot more easy and fun!!!! Hahaha!!! Never heard of that kind of virus before, guess I better keep an eye out!!!