Here's something I just though would be cool to have. If not you all can just delete it. Anywhoo, you know you've played too much Mega Man when...............
You name you dog "Rush", and you cat "Tango." (Gulity)
You name your bird "Beat"
You see an old man in a lab coat and weird hair and shout " Dr.Willy!!!!!!" and chase him
down the hall shouting "Mega-Buster!!"
You see an old man in a lab coat with white hair and beard and ask him to make you into Mega Man.
You see a guy with sunglasses and a cape and wonder if it's Protoman in disguise
You put on sunglasses and a cape and think your Protoman
You see a soccer ball and shout "Mega Ball!!!" and kick it as hard as you can (Gulity)
You try to make you dog transform into a hover-jet
You call you arch-rival "Bass" and his dog "Trebel"
You put a cardboard box or blanket around your arm and shout "X-Buster!!" or "Mega-Buster!!!" (Guilty)
You call your best friend who likes rock music and has long hair "Zero"
You take a sitck or something and run around swinging it like Zero does (Guilty)
You use you cell phone like a PET. (Guilty)
Or you buy those PET toys and act like it's real (Guilty)
Everytime you see a plug or an outlet to you comp. or something you shout "Jack in, Mega Man!!! Power up!!" (Guilty)
You use that cord that comes with the PET and try to jack in your Mega Man into you comp. (Guilty)
You games are nothing but Mega Man (Guilty)
You make stories about Mega Man, Mega Man X, ect. (Guilty)
You have Mega Man NT Warrior Manga (Guilty)
You only listen to Mega Man music and know one knows what music you like (Guilty)
You have a Mega Man screensaver (Guilty)
You have played or own nearly every Mega Man game (Guilty)
You own Mega Man Battle Network Chip Challenge (Guilty)
You've tried to play Mega Man music on your Piano (Guilty)
When someone asks you to name some viruses you say "Mettar, Spikey, Bunny, ect" and everyone looks at you like your nuts and you wonder why
You think when some says "Chips" you think of Battle-Chips
Someone asks you what a P.A. is (Pre. Adj.) and you think of Program Advance (Guilty)
You think that the only to get rid of a virus is to send Mega Man in to delete it.
You and/or your friends think up characters based on Mega Man (Guilty)
You've seen the Mega Man NT Warrior: Program of Light anf Darkness movie and thought the Bass-Cross part was awesome (Guilty)
You search stores for Mega Man stuff (Guilty)
You draw Mega Man stuff (Guilty)
You've listen to so much Japaneese Mega Man music that you know the words, even though their in Japaneese (Guilty)
You call your teacher Sigma or something
You try to use Copy Change like Axl
You try to use the Nova Strike or the Giga Crush like X (Guilty)
You've watched Mega Man NT Warrior or have seen the first 30 or so Ep. of Mega Man Star Force, even though it's not out yet (Guilty)
You want a DS only because it is coming out with Mega Man ZX, ZXA, and Star Force (Guilty)
You've pretended to have a sword and ran around with it shouting "Z-Saber!!!"
You want a Cyber-Elf
You've gone somewhere dressed as a Mega Man character
When a virus gets into your comp. you think it must be a Mettar or Spikey and try to jack Mega Man EXE in to bust it
You've made up your own P.A.'s (Guilty)
You've tried to use CrossFusion with your PET (Guilty)
You think everyone rips stuff from Mega Man (Guilty)
You think Serverbots are cool/cute
You wonder if it really cost all that much Zenny for Roll to enchance you weapons on MML (Guilty)
You use Mega Man acromyms like MM, MMX, IHX, MMBN6, MMZXA, ect. (Guilty)
You know what the acromyms above mean (Guilty)
You know who Dr.Cossack is (Guilty)
You know who Kalinita is (Did I spell that right) (Guilty)
You call money "Zenny" (Guilty)
You think you're Mega Man, Mega Man X, Zero, Axl, Alia, Ciel, ect.
You do something Mega Man related and everyone looks at you funny and you wonder why
You've read all of this.
You make a You Know When You've Played Too Much Mega Man When.....
Hahahahaha!!! One of those bald biker guys!! Shadow: Haaa!!! Sigma!!!! Biker Guy: Huh?? Shadow: *Grabs a stick* DIE SIGMA!!!!! Z-SABER!!!!! Biker Guy: HEY!!!! STOP!! OOWWWW!!!
I have a bald teacher my friend and I reffer to as sigma when we don't want him to know where talking about him. We hate him so...Hes worse than the real thing.We joke about it all the time.
Ahhh .. speaking of it .. we have a training teacher i was so sick of him that i just called Sigma by accidently .. xDD anyway his bald so i couldn't take it ..
You know you've played too much Megaman when you're locked up in a padded room because you kept saying "Jack in! Megaman! EXECUTE!". And it hasn't been the only time either.
Lol!! Join in!! You know you've played too much mega man when you think your glasses are a Transer and you think you can see the Wave World!!!
You have beaten Mega Man Star Force's story line in like 3 days. (Guilty)
You run around shouting," Denpa Henkan!! Hoshikawa Subaru!!! On Air!!!!" Or for those who don't know the Japaneese version and rather have the English version," EM Wave Change!!! Geo Stelar!!! On Air!!!!!!!!" (And I know there's supposed to be a "the" in the middle, but I like it like that, sue me. lol!!!)
You have tried to use the Star Force! lol!!
You have debated on wether who would win in a battle between X and Zero. (Please don't start. lol!!!) (Guilty)
You have seen the Mega Man ZX: Another Story vid on Youtube too manytimes to count. (Guilty)
You want a MMX anime show to come out REALLY BADLY!!!!!!!!
You want a MML3 REALLY BADLY!!!!!!!
You act like MaverickChess! lolololol!!!!!!!
You are MaverickChess!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!
You wonder why Ultimate has a bald teacher who is reffered to as "Sigma" ??? O_o lol!!
You want to beat the something out of me for writing the above!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! (Yeah, I'm a little board right now, it's like 3:00 AM or something. Lol!!!!! So, I'm just writing! Ha! Think I'm gonna play SF in a min!! )